"Hamster on a Plane"
Did you hear on the news that an Austrian plane had to make an emergency landing after a pet hamster got loose??? Having had experience with hamsters, I know the destruction their gnawing can do------or could it be a new terrorist plot ?? Suicide hamsters -----last I heard, they hadn't located runaway rodent!!!
I used to love the little critters until---- mama ham ate one of her babies---and i just couldn't rationalize "but she was just trying to protect him!"
And I remember the time when Fireguy was just a wee lad, in Dayton, and he came downstairs with worried look on face, saying, "I didn't hurt your hamster, honest, he's just sleeping!"
I knew immediately something was wrong--- Poor Jimmy, he thought he could catch the newly escaped hamster by stepping on the chalkboard he had thrown on scurrying rodent---- he caught hammie all right!!! Dead in his tracks---- sorry to bring that story up, brother--- couldn't resist, it was just so funny how in trying to divert attention, you so told on yourself------ a case of "thou doth protest too much"