Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sometimes you forget..

Those rarefied moments-- upon waking, before realization sets in, or you see someone walking down the street and for a fleeting moment, you think,
"It's HIM!! "
Could be the red hair, the baggy pants, the stance, ..Sometimes I hear Philip playing guitar in his bedroom, the same bedroom, same sounds, and I think--
"He's back !!"
In the middle of the night, Billy barks, door opens, billy's barking changes pitch-- from warning to welcoming with tail wagging, just the way it did so many nights ago, and in my half-sleep, brain registers,
"He's Home!"
Now i can go to deep sleep-- no worries for another night !"
And it feels so good--like maybe it really was just a horrible nightmare--- that I will awaken from--- only for an instant---- but in that instant, my heart knows no bounds- then breaks all over again--- you wonder how something broken can keep on breaking---- it can-
Last night i searched all blogs for "Scallywags"-- a restaurant in Toronto, that Chris worked at five years ago--- and I found a picture, my heart skipped a beat, and I thought I had found him-- again--------
PS: Enlarge the picture, see what i mean?


Blogger Lizza said...

I am at a loss for words, so I'll just give you a big virtual hug from across the sea. *hug*

September 17, 2006 6:04 PM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

Nannan-*H* don't know what to really say except I've been thining about him alot lately..I lvoe you.

September 17, 2006 6:55 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Did you notice the tall red head, back to ?? For a milisecond, I was so sure it was him--- I just wanted him to turn around-- do you see HIM ??

September 17, 2006 7:47 PM  
Blogger Gillian said...

Kind of interesting, and the part that is the most amazing is that you never know if a tourist or random person was taking a picture sometime in the past where he actually was a part of the background... What excitement it would be to find a picture online someday where he actually is staring back.

I think that it is very touching, even though it hurts, that you still think about him all of the time. Often we have people in our lives at certain times and we drift apart despite promises of "I will always think about you". And then, we realize after a few years that they have drifted from our day to day thoughts... BUT Chris has stuck, he is one of those guys that you can't help but thinking about often...


September 17, 2006 7:53 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Thanks Lizza- hugs help!
LJLC- I do the same with mom too,thinking I must tell her something, or NOT tell her !!
Thanks Tam-- love you too-
And G-- what you describe, HAS, happened-- before my blog days, i was just looking on the web for all things yarmouth, and I found a news service called NOVASERVE--- whilst clicking randomly, suddenly a picture of Chris and a buddy in High School appeared-- out of the blue-- I have it saved on my computer, but haven't been able to find the novaserve page since--- It's always a bittersweet moment, but treasured nonetheless!!

September 17, 2006 8:28 PM  
Blogger mikki said...

Yes, I saw the tall red-headed fella there... it really does make you take a second, and third look, just to be sure. I wonder when it ends, this always looking and hoping. I've never actually made the mistake of thinking Max had just walked in the door, nor have I thought "I can't wait to tell him this"... I'm just always looking, thinking "maybe he's here...", even though I know he will never be there. Will it be like this for the rest of our lives, I wonder?

Anyway, I am thinking of you, and hugging you, all the time; and I know you're there :o)

September 17, 2006 10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nan,

That is such a poignant incident. I know how it feels to suddenly sense the presence of our lost loves. I recently went through M's cabinet and the smell on her clothes just stopped me cold and hard like a bullet.

I'm with you in spirit, Nan.

September 17, 2006 11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sue... Sorry that I never made it home to visit.... I will be home soon.. Need to chat...miss you


September 18, 2006 10:07 AM  
Blogger H said...

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September 18, 2006 12:16 PM  
Blogger H said...

Red hair. so striking, startling and focus grabbing.

A lucid moment. A magical crack between reality and disbelief that, with a single shimmer can throw off and obliterate anything that tangible 'fact' might point to. A moment that colours the day with intense hope, love and longing. A moment from which you must, unfortunately be sucked back into the plodding reality of here and now.

But that magic DOES exist. In photographs like this. In dreams. In the space between waking and sleeping. In anything and everything that makes the old heart skip.

September 18, 2006 12:29 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Hi Mikki-- yes, as long as this old heart beats, it will long for him--and with that longing, hope for another butterfly kiss--- we wouldn't really want it any other way--- they're forever in our hearts---- much love to you-and kiss that little butterfly C for me!
HB: Thanks-- I made the mistake of washing all his clothes, then one night, sought madly for a trace, a smell, a hair--- but those moments, though heartbreaking, are priceless!
AND H: Everytime I read your comments or posts, My soul is so stirred--- you not only "get" it, you take it to new heights, magical, mystical, and amazing--- I'm going back to read again-- and again--it's as if you too have experienced this phenomenom--- thank you!!

September 18, 2006 5:22 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

WOW ... I see the redhead in the picture . Some times I swear that I see him and then I look again and .. nope hes not there . Or I have a dream that is so much like reality . But then I wake up ... Things like that can seam so real .. But its nice to remember - as sad as it sometimes may be

September 18, 2006 10:12 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Yes, I see him Nannan. My heart aches for you and Mikki. I wonder where you get your strenght.
I saw a movie one time with an actor who looked a lot like Chris. It broke my heart, and yet I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I don't even remember what the movie was about.
All I can say is 'I love you'...

September 19, 2006 2:33 PM  

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