Thursday, September 21, 2006

No Brainer!!!

Short post tonight-- have to get clothes and legs ready for work tomorrow!! Yup, got a call from Meadowfields, young energetic phys. ed. teacher on other end-----
" Hi, Sue, it's L. speaking. "( I'm thinking, the only thing worse than primaries, would be phys. ed.-- , oh no!!)
Hi L, I reply, cheerily, with just a hint of reservation-
"Can you come in tomorrow?" (Darn, my Lexy day off, so much for sleeping in)
For Phys ED??? in slightly raised panic-stricken voice, "UH, what are you doing in Gym?"
"Soccer", she replies, "but DV is in for the Grade Three teacher, and he'd be willing to do the Phys.Ed if you'd rather not."

Don't ask me about that Primary I lost this week-- I 'm not going to talk about it-- I said, I'm not going to talk about it-- too embarrassing and not good for my reputation as a substitute-- and they found him after a while----- omg----it was horrible, but I can't talk about it!!! Please don't ask, very traumatic, I may have PTSD----- so may he!!!

Tomorrow I'll be teaching Grade three--- at least they should know not to get on a bus if they are "walkers".


Blogger Gillian said...

sounds like fun... at this rate you''l be done your days (what was it 60 something) before Christmas!!! LOL!

Have fun with the gr.3's! Pretty close to what you had before so the culture shock should be minimal eh!


September 21, 2006 7:56 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

So what happened to the primary you lost??? Can't wait to hear about it.
Asking me not to ask is just an invitation for me to ask!! Come on everybody...ask?

September 21, 2006 10:16 PM  
Blogger Gillian said...

I was wondering too... sounds hilarious now... probably wasn't then!!!


September 22, 2006 12:26 AM  
Blogger Funnyface said...

Good luck, I know you'll do great. And I'm like tuffysmom,give it up!!!Sounds like a story in the making.

September 22, 2006 12:31 PM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

OMG i can't believe you lost a grade primary...Why the heck did the child get on a Bus if he was a walking student?
Then again..maybe he just wanted to experience a ride on the big yellow contraption.

Love you Lots..
You'll be fine with the grade three's it's so much closer to the ones you had...

September 22, 2006 4:01 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

This was the anti-story-- I told you what happened-- K & S got it!!!!!

September 22, 2006 5:49 PM  
Blogger Gillian said...

I am glad it isn't just me who has not blogged in a few days!

I think today is the day if I can muster the energy! hope you get some time for it too, so we can hear how the subbing went! I guess no news is usually good news!


September 24, 2006 10:55 AM  

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