the storm to come, on Monday--- Till then, since when did the news reporters become the "news " ? Way too much hype about Miss Couric being the sole anchor--- I find her voice way to monotonous, mono tone I mean, and switch the channel- what's the big deal-- don't they bascially read from a teleprompter and have gophers do all the research??? I'd like to see her trying to teach a class of 25 five year olds their first days of school--- and why are there such strict government regulations on child to adult ratios in pre-schools, and nurseries, and suddenly it's okay to put twenty-five in a room with one adult who is not only expected to teach them to read and write, but sit sti
ll, don't fight, walk in a straight line, don't cry for mommy, put your hand up to speak, fire safety, personal safety, your address, blah,blah,blah---- compare salaries !!!!!!!!!!! Okay, no more ranting, but we live in a wacky world with strange standards of valuing service to society-- hockey players, basketball players, and the list goes on-------- BUT--- I gotta say, that little baby Suri is a sweetheart!
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