Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Amons in Canada!!!

The best thing that's happened in the past six months
---a dream come true-
Mike and his family have come home---- although with no hint of global warming in these parts, they may well be second guessing that decision!!But aren't they beautiful.. Alex and Madison-- We love them dearly!!
And speaking of cold weather,, I should have known those begonias I planted at the grave would be WOEBEGONIAS!!! Thanks to the frost two nights ago!!! Hellooo?? It's supposed to be spring!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Austin Loves His Little Lamb

Monday, April 28, 2008

Stolen Pics, Cherished Moments

I haven't taken pictures for a looong time-- something to do with bursting buttons, denial, avoiding mirrors, etc.

So I snuck over to Jennah's facebook page and stole this photo ----

Deja-vu, the past, present, and future, as if Jennah was looking into the mirror of her youth,, my baby Jennah,, my love Lexy!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

*&^% or get off the Pot!!

Just going to tip toe lightly into the waters---- See how far I dare go-- really miss you guys--- especially H who's not on facebook--

So I knew yesterday was going to be a tsunami of epic proportions-- felt the tremors and warning signs weeks in advance-- didn't know how to prepare,where to run- how to find higher ground-- you see not only was it five years, the days coincided for the first time--which meant replaying every minute-

I thought maybe we should get away--- but where--- and in reality, I didn't watnt to escape--- I merely wanted to survive-

said prayers with special friends and reconnected with steadfast hearts--- planted flowers--- walked-- cried--- and

today? the aftermath?
