Monday, January 01, 2007

Bling! Bling !!!

Nope, Didn' t get any for Christmas,,,,
Raising kids for the past thirty years, and never succumbed to the lure of Atari, Nintendo, Play Station, x-Box, or whatever the latest technology---
But Now- in our GOLDEN years,,, we (Frank & I) are in full- blown addiction---
to the blasted video game Bejeweled!!
It has taken over our ever increasing waking moments-
We fight over whose turn it is----
the dishes mount--
the laundry increases---
the dust mites propagate--
and still we sit bedazzled by the thrill of just one more game!!!


Blogger NanNan said...

My email isn't working for some reason, maybe eastlink is down-- will contact G and H as soon as I am able!! Sorry for not getting back!

January 01, 2007 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't do it LJLC... I got sucked in by the bedazzling lights... lol! Its a seriously addictive game... might even be addictive enough to warrant it's very own support group... Bedazzler's Anonymous...

Off to Halifax and my plane tomorrow, hard to believe that the holidays are finito already! I am eager however to take my skidoo for a long ride with my new helmet!
Take it easy!

January 02, 2007 12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very belated Season's Greetings, Nan!

I'm sorry for not commenting. An earthquake out here in Asia messed up the internet.

Have a prosperous New Year; with or without the bling-bling! =)

January 02, 2007 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have a game on my computer to that I love!!!! It is hard to break away. They are very addicting.

Hope that you enjoy playing your new found game!!!!


January 02, 2007 6:12 PM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

*S*I have played that game, it's lots of fun..enjoy it..
love ya,

January 02, 2007 11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that Eastlink customer service has been down lately! Too bad, ooking forward to hearing from you!

I am blogging now from my hotel in Montreal and off to bed in a few short minutes... Flight in the morning, so I will weather permitting, be driving my skidoo by sundown! LOL!

Thanks again for lunch,

January 03, 2007 12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nannnn! no problem. don't apologise. glad to hear that you and Frank are having a very fun new year.

wish you love peace and joy in the coming year. and an imminent visit to India. yay!

waiting. with glee.

January 03, 2007 4:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait till I send you the disc with a whole bunch of games. Now that you are will find some that are more and more fun!!!!!
I have always loved playing games on the computer..and I guess I always will.
Had a great visit....
Talk to you later..Marsh

January 03, 2007 8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, Eastlink needs to rework it's technical assistance! I was talking to someone who works for Eastlink in Yarmouth and he's mentionned that there were lots of calls of frustration about their customer service centres over the holidays- it seems one office was shut down after an outbreak of Norwalk virus was being passed around their office, and another one shut down for some other reason. Tough stuff!

Look forward to hearing from ya!

January 04, 2007 3:56 PM  

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