While the Rat's Away.......
...the cats will WORK THEIR BUTTS OFF!!! She's a bloody packrat!!!! I love my mother in law,, but,, she saves everything ever given to her,, from everyone forever,,--
She is now enjoying a couple of weeks with her sister in Stellarton, across the street from tuffysmom's new abode--- she's probably sitting at the kitchen table, smoking a cigarette and sipping coffee--- whilst we spend our weekend removing six years of accumulated grime and nicotine----- getting ready to paint----
The hard part about being married to god is not just that he's always right,, but rather than press his point, he waits patiently, letting me have my way,, until I get in the inevitable mess he so aptly foresaw,,, and he doesn't even say I TOLD YOU SO !! He told me we should have emptied everything from the crystal cabinet before moving it away from the wall, but I thought we should just take the easy way, and push it gently--- until my fat arse bumped into the upper portion---- I just know the first thing she'll notice, in spite of a newly painted room, clean drapes, javexed blinds,, will be the missing red glass vase that graced the top of her crystal cabinet !!!!
hahahaha... thanks for the laugh... my head is aching tonight and your humourous account helped ease a little stress from the brain... was on hold for 30 minutes to find out that there is nothing I can do unless I want to spend an arm and a leg to ship my brand spanking new computer back to get the pixelated line on my display fixed.... ARGH! Why can't new exciting toys come without being broken everytime?!?!? Life in the North, far from service providers... JOY!!
OMG...I am so glad I am not half the packrat that Mema is...I showed Pat the picture and he couldn't believe it...
I can't believe the vase got broken...Oy Vey...
Love you lots
Ouchie. that cannot be good at all. Can just visualise the suspicious litte once-over of the room and then... :but where's the red vase?.."
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Somehow it fills my heart with happiness to know that I will not be the only working my butt off this weekend!!!!!!!! Sorry, Nan (not).
Ewwww...a red vase...it will be first thing she notices...better have her favorite treat ready for her to eat when she gets home...Love, Marsh
I am sure Mema will love the newly painted room , dispite the red vase being missing !
Oopps - yikes - oh oh!!!
One less thing for me to clean, hehehehehe
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