Friday, August 04, 2006

Vegetation in Keji

Not of the "flora" type-- I'm talking human vegetative state--first three days in keji-- rain on roof- mesmerizing, hypnotic--- smell of fresh pine, ( no phone, computer, tv, bill collectors, telemarketers,) rain on roof, smell the newly bathed trees, fragrant flora, rain on roof--- read , sleep, eat, eat, eat, read, sleep, eat, eat, eat-- Didn't even feel guilty, justifiable vegetation- rain on roof--
And then the sun came out, and there were those two new bikes, symbols of our good intentions, costly symbols, poised at the ready-- mom did a terrific job of instilling in me one more of her phobias-- speed bikes with handle brakes !!!! You know how dangerous they can be-- you can fly head first over the handlebars-- blah blah blah-- So all I've ever dared to pedal have been one speed, pedal brakes----- safe----Until--- my new 21 speed bike, Aphrodite, set me free--- we rode over the winding trails, gliding down hills, carefree kids again-- then satisfying our guilt - back to reading, eating , sleeping-- until Aussie came------then it all changed---- BA and AA-- time markers-- I'll tell you about After Aussie tomorrow--


Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

I am so glad that you guys got to ride your bike's the sound of the rain*S* that must have been so nice..we dont get alot of rain..and when itdoes it feels so good..I love it..
Take Care and much love to you both, give Mema a hug and kiss for me and tell her that I love her.

August 04, 2006 8:00 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

I will tell Mema, and give her a kiss and hug-- she always askd if you've been on and what's the latest--- love you tam

August 04, 2006 8:02 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

If you do get a chalet...can we come too? Please...I've never been in a chalet. I used to love to go camping, but I think I'm over it as well.

August 04, 2006 10:43 PM  
Blogger Gillian said...

I loved your description of the "BA" era, sounds so amazingly relaxing... Lately, that sound of rain has brought me a feeling of pure panic with the few floods that this old house has been having... When it was raining last week, the night when the lightening was supposedly quite impressive, I actually woke up with the feeling of sprinkles on my feet. I had accidently left the bedroom window wide opened as I slept and the rain was sheeting down at just the right ankle to come in on me. I woke up immediately, with a sense of panic, heartbeating, sprung into action- "must check basement floor, must check windows!" Fortunately, it never did flood that night, but I realized sadly, my previous joy at the sound of rain was lost.

A few years ago I was working in Bar Harbor(a beautiful little town) for Nova Scotia Tourism. The province had rented a historic home for all of the staff to live in. One night after leaving work, a fellow I worked with came home and told me he didn't have a key and that I would have to go lock up the office. I was a bit annoyed since I was tired and it was one of the biggest rain storms ever, and also was peeved that he didn't simply ask for the key and do it himself. I was SO mad as I stomped over three streets, and I wanted to make him feel really guilty so I stormed out of the house without my coat or any protective gear. Within seconds my hair was matted to my head and my clothes we drenched to the skin. I made sure to step aggressively into each puddle so I could be not only wet but covered in mud so he would HAVE to apologize(how vindictive I can sometimes be!!)

The worst part was that after I locked up, I realized that jumping in puddles and getting soaking wet was actually SO much fun. The rain and air was warm and the feeling of the rain was so refreshing that I felt like my whole soul had been cleansed. I forgot that I was mad at him and not only that I wandered around the streets for another 10 minutes just because I was having so much fun.

When I got back to the house, everyone was sitting around on the patio relaxing and they were so shocked at my condition. The guy who obliged me to go felt kind of bad, but I just said, "It's fine..." (not giving away the glee I was actually feeling) and went straight up to get ready for bed...

August 05, 2006 1:11 AM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

I wish I knew where you lived and who you sound like such a nice and fun person! I know that Nannan knows you...I think she was your teacher at one time, was she not? Or have I got that wrong too? Anyway, I enjoy your blogs and your, Sue's sister

August 05, 2006 3:34 AM  
Blogger Gillian said...

Hi Tuffysmom
You got it girl- I was her student way, way back in the past! (LOL)
Would have been fun for you to join us! Take it easy!


August 05, 2006 1:28 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

About flying over handlebars... On Starrs Rd once, at the intersection by "The Mall" and I had Terance's bike, with very tight handle brakes in my left hand (the front ones) and a slushy in my right hand. Going super slow, I stopped at the intersection. Using my left hand. Very slowly, I went over the front handle bars and slushy ended up all over me... The purple coloured one... I looked over at the intersection and there was this guy laughing his eye off at me (rightly so as I couldn't help but laugh either), his girlfriend or just some girl in the car beside him looked concerned for a bit until she realized I was alright...

Just a funny memory...

August 07, 2006 8:30 PM  

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