We all have that transparent prism inside, the one that separates facts , processes them, then reflects back to the world our unique spectrum of colours-----manifested to the world by our biases, attitudes, and beliefs--- Ten years ago, my angle of refraction was of a vastly different slant-- I thought Patsy a little "loopy"-- and harboured suspicious thoughts--- back then my prism had faith in the "powers" that be- surely they know more than we, and if they suspect the parents, then they MUST know something we don't--- Ten years ago, I had faith in certain institutions- believed in basic goodness and integrity of those sworn to protect --- and honour justice---- Now I watch the same video I saw ten years ago, with new eyes- eyes opened wider, slanted differently, and I see a grieving , hurting, mom, trying to make sense of the horrific murder of her beautiful baby girl-- and then to be blamed------------ Sorry Patsy, for even letting through a glimmer of light that would reflect your guilt--- And about John Mark Karr, am reserving judgement on that one too--- Waiting for the full spectrum and subsequent reflection!!!! Reflection----
nannan-life is ful of reflections that sometimes overlap causing shadows to form, we can't always distinguish the shadows but htey are there, we have to kow that even when things happen that are horrific, the wheel turns for a purpose. People often find themselves judgng other people even if it is unintentional, as it is a part of human nature, even though we know deep down inside, that judgement is not menat to be ours.
I only saw a little info about this case in the news this morning. Interesting how things go around, but so much of reality seem to hidden from our knowledge, so judging situations can prove to rather risky. We all pass judgement in our own minds so easily, but like you talk about, it really is a precarious position to put ourselves in.
Thanks for sharing this. We don't often admit the things we pass judgement on, but it is really a good challenge that you give us.
I am rather weary about news media, I find that there is so much censorship of certain details that it is very hard to get a good perspective on the "whole truth"... To often it is bits and pieces of truth that are communicated and no details that can contradict...
Oh my, I did my blog before reading this. But, I must say, I still believe she had something to do with it, and if I'm proven wrong then that's good! Perhaps I'm a little cynical, but the Susan Smith's and the Andrea Yates' of the world make me realize that people are capable of anything. But I still hope I'm wrong about Patsey Ramsey. And Yes OJ did it! Hehehehe.
Don't get me going about OJ though-- still have that same slant on that guilty *&&^*^.!!!!!
nannan-life is ful of reflections that sometimes overlap causing shadows to form, we can't always distinguish the shadows but htey are there, we have to kow that even when things happen that are horrific, the wheel turns for a purpose. People often find themselves judgng other people even if it is unintentional, as it is a part of human nature, even though we know deep down inside, that judgement is not menat to be ours.
I only saw a little info about this case in the news this morning. Interesting how things go around, but so much of reality seem to hidden from our knowledge, so judging situations can prove to rather risky. We all pass judgement in our own minds so easily, but like you talk about, it really is a precarious position to put ourselves in.
Thanks for sharing this. We don't often admit the things we pass judgement on, but it is really a good challenge that you give us.
I am rather weary about news media, I find that there is so much censorship of certain details that it is very hard to get a good perspective on the "whole truth"... To often it is bits and pieces of truth that are communicated and no details that can contradict...
This story isn't over yet, so it's a wise thing to reserve judgement. The whole story is a trajedy.
Oh my, I did my blog before reading this. But, I must say, I still believe she had something to do with it, and if I'm proven wrong then that's good! Perhaps I'm a little cynical, but the Susan Smith's and the Andrea Yates' of the world make me realize that people are capable of anything. But I still hope I'm wrong about Patsey Ramsey.
And Yes OJ did it! Hehehehe.
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