Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Blog about Blogging !!!

I was just trying to figure out what I did before entering the blogosphere--- and I simply don't know-- I eat as much, if not more, I watch tv, -- so what would I be doing in this time-- aha- eureka-- smoking????? Does the time spent at computer equal time spent smoking a pack of cigs?
I have traded addictions----- this one seems so much healthier--- reconnecting, new connections-- anticipation-- and a lot cheaper!
Everyday I take a stroll down blog avenue to visit my regulars, listed inside my blog folder--- Some extra specials remain outside of the folder. I usually drop by Quasar 9 His writings are of the scientific bent, but interesting and edifying-- I particularly love a picture he had chosen, called the treasure within, and I followed the link to the photography page- remarkable pictures!! From there, I stole today's picture-
Teachers in the group might want to try out a science site, and cat lovers might enjoy the cartoons and paintings of a lady in Belgium- If you've stumbled upon some sites that have captured your interest in a return visit, let us know, for those slow blog days, when those of you with lives are actually living them, in order that we, may in turn, live vicariously through them!!!!!


Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

Sounds like you have traded one addiction for another, but at least this one isn't harmful to your health liek hte other, unless of coures oyu develop carpel tunnel.. to you later, much Love,

August 19, 2006 2:01 PM  
Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

yes got to be the first coment*S*

August 19, 2006 2:02 PM  
Blogger Gillian said...

I love it!! Another health benefit to blogging... I feel like our lives are really proving the thesis true!! LOL!

Congrats on the quitting smoking thing. I don't know how long you've had the habit, but I do understand how difficult it it.

In my second year of beening up north I started smoking a bit at parties. It was totally just because I was curious and wanted to fit in with the others. (how says peer pressure is only a teenaged phenomena). I thought to myself, "I don't have to worry because I only smoke two or three sticks once every month" BUT it catches up on you quickly!! Beofre long, I would join people everytime we had a dinner party if I had a few glasses of wine. Then I had a pack and would sometimes have a stick when relaxing after work one evening during the week... I knew I was addicted when I was visiting home and all I could think of one night before heading to bed was how I craved a cig. It was funny because I knew that was one thing my dad would be REALLY disappointed with (since he quit in 1992 after smoking a LONG time) so I said, "I'm going for a walk", walked right up to Irving and bought a pack. I was 24 and scared my parents would find out, LOL!! Anyway, after that summer I said told myself, I wanted to live a healthy life in everyway, so since then I kept trying to say no as much as possible. It was in total maybe a year that I was smoking off and on, but even now, at parties it is a real struggle to say no. It stays with you, and takes every ounce of will power to stop thinking about it. Must be harder if you've smoked for a longer time!

Congrats to you and keep it up, Nan... the way I looked at it, was every day/ and every party where I manage to stay away from it, is a victory for my body! If I slip up, I don't terrorize myself with it, I just say, gotta be stronger next time and it's been going pretty good... I think it has been 5 months since my last time...

As per your comments about bloggers... I guess I am in the category of "have no life" because I seem to make sure that i am on here everyday... So, thanks to all the others that are on all the time!!! It would be lonely if you weren't posting!! hehehe

take it easy!

August 19, 2006 3:45 PM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Hi, thanks for the mention.
Love the pic yoy'ver chosen too
Blue Ice.

Thanks for calling around. keep in touch. Catch you laters

August 19, 2006 3:49 PM  
Blogger H said...

ahhhh. the before-and-after-bloggin syndrome!

heh. yes. there was a time not so long back in my briefer-than-brief blogging-history that I almost felt like a perverted stalker-of-my-blog. grin.

But it's weird how suddenly people suddenly seem so connected... just the way you said -- bound by this net-driven umbilical cord. hmmm. glad for it though.

August 19, 2006 4:13 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Hi K&S--leave it to you to think of carpal tunnel!! ;)

G; Good for you, quitting in time-- it's so easy to fall into and so hard to climb out-- especially after fifty plus years!

Q: Yipes,I've been caught stalking!!!! ;)

and H-- you and HB are in the Outside folder category--- you guys are on my direct links-- I even love reading your comments-"sphincter of hell" broke me up!! as does "perverted stalker of my-own-blog"---that's it-- you always find the words I wish I could put together, so uninhibited, so beautifully woven! Why i even search the internet looking for your comments--- ;0)

August 19, 2006 5:26 PM  
Blogger H said...

NanNan. seriously tell me, how many e-hugs make a real hug? Gotto send you that many and more. Let's make it the membership fee for our Mutual Admiration Society. Hey HB... you listening?

August 20, 2006 1:27 AM  

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