Missing You------My Friend????
I miss you my friend--- you've been an integral part of my existence for 4o years-- with a few short breaks every now and then- I remember when we first met under the tree on the old Hebron School playground- hidden from the eyes of administration and the "goodies"- I was shy, and you took me under your wing, you accepted me unconditionally, and made me feel that I had a place in the world- we belonged together-And how I needed you to get me through the tough times- the betrayals, the hurts, the losses--- you brought me comfort and calmed me down to face another day-- so it is with sadness I set you free- they say the cost of our union is lethal, poison, and you will betray me in the end--- I yearn for you- and mourn our separation- I pray that I may not be subjected to severe tests- --that I may not need your solace- so this is your restraining order, Benson & Hedges, leave me alone, our union is terminated--- cease and desist---
Phillipians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Forgive me for being so ignorant :)
I kept thinking what dear friend has betrayed Sue? And, how will she handle it??
And then, when I got to the end, I thought, I have to google to find out who Benson & Hedges is...but first I must read the comments to see they can clue me in..
Well, I immediately related to Fireguy b/c that is our motto around here.. but I still couldn't figure out who this so-called friend was until I read CP. :)
I really had to laugh at myself, and thought I can I can never tell on myself, and then I thought why not? We all could stand a good laugh..
Personally, I'm glad I never met that "friend", but we all have other crutches, such as food... but I won't go there today.
Take care.
That was hilarious Diane--- It's so much a part of my life, I never dreamed anyone would NOT know--- still laughing---- actually the quitting is not the hardest part, I've done it tens of times, it's the not starting again that's tough- --- still laughing----
Great blog....I must admit I was totally baffled until I came to the last line...hehehe...Good luck with it. I know how difficult it is. I wish I had the strength.
That was Beautifully spoken. My love and praise and hope and prayers are yours.
Hey Nannan,
you know that you can do it...we all knwo you can do it..soemtimes certain "friends" just need to be "extinguished" from our lives.*S*
Love you Lots
I can't believe he has any faith in me- he's heard it so many times before--- so thanks everyone---still laughing---
But it only takes once, and it's the arrival of that one that I know will happen...
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