Friday, June 30, 2006

"Tigger" by the Tail

Posted by Picasa Grrr! she says, as she devours the tail- methinks how meticulously we sterilize her bottle feeding apparatus, and how everything she touches ends up in the mouth!!! I think there's a study out there that says we need to ingest a certain amount of "dirt" in order to stay healthy-- isn't there- say yes-- My other issue is the wake up call- You know when the phone rings at 3:39 am, it's not good! My first reaction was #^^^*%%##%^, probably some crank, or drunk, or .... So I jump up after my brain has kicked in that yes, that noise is your phone ringing- check the display- Oh God- it says "Jeremy Amon"- no crank, no drunk, much loved son!!! Panic! Terror!! DREAD!!!! Pick up the receiver, heart pounding, thinking of every horrible possibility- has something happend to Jason, Ariel, Denise, - "Hello" I say. "Now don't be scared" his first words- and immediately I am terrified- bracing myself- now Frank fully awake, gasping "what?what? what?" Jeremy:" I loaned my car to Philip last night and he hasn't come back- I need to be to work at 5:00" Now Philip had not been in one of my horrific scenarios, and now I feel like my worst nightmare is reoccurring- Is Philip home, I don't know, so I rush outside in my pj's praying that there be an extra car in the driveway-- relief unimaginable- it is there- I take a much needed breath, knock on Phil's door, and he's sleeping soundly, oblivious to the drama- He had actually been home since 9:30 pm, but thought Jeremy meant he didn't need the car until 5 pm!!!! I am so relieved and grateful to all the powers in the universe, can't even get upset with Philip- it was an honest "miscommunication"--- then I think of the restless worried night Jeremy must have had and how difficult it must have been for him to call this number at that time- You did the right thing Jeremy, and I"m so sorry you had to be put in that position- kind of a "wake up" call for you- in a few years, Ariel will be a driving teenager- and you've had your first taste !!!! But it was so generous and gracious of you to do a favour for your little brother- love you all, and hope we all live happily ever after!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...those gorgeous blue eyes!!! She's just adorable!!

Yes, we need to eat a certain amount of dirt for a good healthy balance....we are healthier for it!! :))))

I am so relieved that Phil was home...and early at that!! Jeremy is a wonderful big's all so sweet!!!

Will this humidity ever end!!?????

Chat soon...CJP xo

June 30, 2006 2:02 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Oh my God, Susan, I would have been fainting I think. Thank God it all turned out well. Phew! Did you check for a few more grey hairs this morning??
You're right about the sterilizing thing...I used to do it for Mikki...but then realized she was putting everything in her mouth...including cat food! And I'm going to tell a used to eat carpenter bugs! hehehehehehe..Well, you probably only ate one!
Alexis is a sweetie, and this time next week I'll be seeing Caitlyn.

June 30, 2006 4:33 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

And I wonder who fed me those bugs????

June 30, 2006 4:47 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Hey...I resent that...I only stood by and watched!
Oh, by the way...Our Grandmother 'Bammie' to me, used to say 'It takes a ton of dirt to kill you'. Now, probably it takes a lot less than that..but the point is..'some germs are good'. Without them you're immune system does not get built up the way it should be.
I actually saw it on TV.
And by the time I had Paul..sterilizing was a way thing of the past, and look how gorgeous he turned out! Hehehehhe.

June 30, 2006 6:59 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Yeah, I've also read we shouldn't be using so much antiseptic soap-

June 30, 2006 8:27 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

I read that too...and stop drinking bottled are getting the chlorine for their teeth! It's amazing that we grew up at all, considering all the things we did wrong.

June 30, 2006 9:02 PM  
Blogger houseband00 said...

Hi Nan,

There's an old saying here that says that exposure to dirt builds up a resistance. So, maybe a study isn't really needed.=)

I also have my fears when D comes of age and he gets to drive but I don't want to really dwell on it yet. It's still a long way off.

Have a great day tomorrow!

June 30, 2006 11:01 PM  
Blogger Fireguy said...

Another nice picture - and that must have been scarry when the phone rang at that hour!

July 01, 2006 1:00 AM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Hi houseband- I think we overstudy too- we need to listen to our "elders" before their wisdom is lost---and you're wise not to worry about things that may never happen- these are the memory making fun years for D- enjoy them!! thanks for dropping by

July 01, 2006 2:12 PM  

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