Happy summer solstice- glorious day- But maybe you'd better stop reading now- I'm in need of self-therapy again, remember, that was the purpose of my blog- Can't seem to stop thinking of destiny, predestination, choices, and meant to bes, so maybe if I commit it to "paper", I can give it a rest and go on to enjoy this first day of summer-- Watching my weed filled "flower" garden helped me to sort out some matters- You see a seed has a destiny, and a preordained purpose- to become a flower, fruit, nut, tree- whatever genetic makeup lies latent within---Beyond turning to the sun, and reaching out for nutrients, it has little power to control its development- It may get mowed down before blooming, or a negligent gardener may not tend to removing weeds- there is one weed in particular in my little garden that seeks out other plants, gains a chokehold, and strangles the life out of them- they are powerless to escape without intervention--- My Point? All of us have a latent destiny- a genetic blueprint- and a potential to fulfill- Unlike plants, we can exercise free will and may choose to circumvent our growth, or others may in some way, influence our development- I can never accept that it was Chris's destiny to die as he did, he had so many talents and virtues, what could have been was his destiny- I don't believe he was born to fall prey to his predisposition to addictions-- and I will never believe that it was preordained that he die at 25-- And as for ther being no bad choices- don't think so- Chris would be the first to admit that he made some terrible choices, with dire consequences- I have to think that at some point along the way, an intervention would have changed the course of events in his life- He begged for help--knew the drugs had a chokehold- but I had already checked out on him, and there were no services around here to pick up the slack- he needed a tender, knoweldgeable gardener to free him - and in the end, I know he was rescued, by the All Forgiving, All Loving, Merciful Gardener- Maybe, now, I can give it a rest for awhile, and go rescue those flowers , if it isn't already too late--
Upon rereading, I felt the tone might come across as angry or resentful, when really I was just trying to articulate what I have been struggling to understand- the problem with words on paper, you can't hear the tone- i mean it to be quiet, gentle, seeking to make sense--
Oh is not up to us to understand what our or our loved one's destiny is. I still can't believe it was Max's destiny to leave us either. He was such a kind, gentle, brilliant, tender man. But, we just have to accept. That sounds so trite. I hate that you are still hurting. I wish you could find peace...I wish I could find peace..but I can live with my hurts...I just can't stand having people that I love hurt. And is free will, really free?
I guess this is my way of finding peace- just getting it all out- now don't get me going again about free will--:) Just when I think I was making headway----your blog made me laugh--- i'm still laughing-- somehow i don't think frank will find it as hilarious- we'll see- stand by--love you
The only way I can get through life is by humour. Now, a lot of times other people do not find me humorous..but I don't know what else to do.
I have to laugh and make jokes, or I will fall apart!
I've coped like this my whole life. Even when I had the Cancer scare. After the surgery I gained weight, and when I went back to work, I joked that I would be the 'fattest cancer death' ever.
Sick, eh?
But...that's how I get by.
Unfortunately, I did not die, kept gaining I guess the joke is on me!! hehehehehehhehehehe...Just another sick joke!
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