Sunday, June 11, 2006


The first word on my mind this morning was--- gluttony!! The word I was trying to think of last night, my brain must have been semi-active whilst sleeping- anywho- getting back to gluttony- after last night's feast- I seemed preoccupied with the number seven- and lo and behold, to my dismay, I learned that gluttony was one of the 7 deadliest sins and my penance in hell is horrifying- read all about it- not for the faint of heart- then horror of horrors, I found out that sloth is a deadly sin too---now I"m in deep trouble----you should read the punishment for sloth!!!!! Yikes!!!! Disclaimer: Let it be known that this author in no wise subscribes to the viewpoints expressed on those web pages!!!! Nor should those of weak intelligence!!! Being fed to snakes, force-fed rats, the things nightmares are made of--- but I think I will try to curb my gluttoness and slothfullness impulses- just in case!!!!!


Blogger NanNan said...

First thing I did this morning, tear into the potato salad- you must have all kinds of food left over- might have to visit you----

June 11, 2006 9:22 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

You should have seen the movie called 'Seven'. It was about a guy who killed people who committed the seven deadly sins - killed them by using their own sin!! i.e. he made a man eat himselt to death! Very gory movie, my favorite kind.

June 12, 2006 8:54 AM  
Blogger NanNan said...

I didn't see that movie, and won't be- he'd have to kill everyone on the planet, did you read what the 7 sins are---envy, greed, lust- i feel two out of those three on a daily basis!!! :)

June 12, 2006 11:12 AM  

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