Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Since my last post was rather sombre, I thought I should end the day on a lighter note- This is "my" school, until June 30, that is- as the end of the month looms closer, I am thinking about when I should go in to clean out 32 years of accumulated junk and treasures- boxes of papers, books, memorabilia- sort of like cutting the cord- Expect it to be emotional, but liberating- Every ending is a new beginning and I am looking forward to the next chapter- or a new book- You can go on a virtual tour by clicking Meadowfields- It is a remarkable school, not just structually, but in all the ways that matter- I was so fortunate to end my career teaching the subject I love most--Math-- with wonderful colleagues. But I"m done- no regrets on that front- have had the opportunity to touch and be touched by so many children over the years- and made lasting friendships with colleagues who shared my good times and carried me through the hard times- And I feel gratitude- and pride- I loved the kids, and pray that I in some small way made a positive difference in their lives, as they did in mine. But I'm where I need to be---- end of story-


Blogger Tuffysmom said...

I'm so glad you're not feeling any regrets or sadness....and as you say it will be 'liberating'. And I am sure that you have touched many people in your life in so many positive ways. And so now you go on...to be the best Grandmother any one could ever be. Something..our children didn't have from their maternal grandmother.
This is not a criticism...just a fact. Love you Sue. Be content.

June 21, 2006 4:32 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Thanks tuffysmom- I'm really thankful that I have the chance to be a grandmother-- love you too-

June 21, 2006 6:36 PM  
Blogger houseband00 said...

Hi Nan,

I think I know what you are going through. When my dad retired a few years ago, he found adjusting from doing the 9-to-5 drill everyday to the schedule-less life he's living now quite difficult. He grew very impatient with the slow pace. Then he found that despite going through the day like a snail, he figured that he was now figuratively the captain of his own ship. He started to write his memoirs and that really jolted him back to speed.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you will feel bored at first but when you discover something new to do, tackle it with a passion and you'll feel much alive again.

Have a nice day!

June 21, 2006 11:00 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Thanks for your comments houseband- your dad sounds like a remarkable man- and writing his memoirs- therapeutic for him and a treasure for you!! If he writes anything like you, it will be a good read- and I have several ideas swirling through my head - would like to do something in the field of drug addictions- ideas haven't crystallized yet- that will come- thanks for your words of encouragement-

June 22, 2006 9:28 AM  

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