Commentary to Michael
Warning!! Some readers may find the following views and opinions offensive- stop reading now- if you choose to continue, I make no apology- this is my blog-
Coincidentally, Michael, before reading your post about unions and protesting, I had been trying to digest the Ridvan Message 2006 from the UHJ. There is a link to it at
and I quote, " More than seventy years ago Shoghi Effendi penned his World Order letters in which he provided a penetrating analysis of the forces operating in the world. With an eloquence that was his alone, he described two great processes that have been set in motion by Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation, one destructive and the other integrative, both of which are propelling humanity towards the World Order He conceived. We were cautioned by the Guardian not to be "misled by the painful slowness characterizing the unfoldment of the civilization" being laboriously established or to be "deluded by the ephemeral manifestations of returning prosperity which at times appear to be capable of checking the disruptive influence of the chronic ills afflicting the institutions of a decaying age." No review of the course of events in recent decades can fail to acknowledge the gathering momentum of the processes he analysed then with such precision. "
What's my point? Perhaps you are experiencing the "painful slowness" , understandable from your perspective- From mine, I am amazed at the transformative power of the Revelation during my lifetime alone- the permeation of the Baha'i principles- I think it was Queen Victoria who responded to letters from Baha'u'llah with " If it is from God, it will endure. If not it can do no harm." Endure, it has- Look at how humanity has embraced the principles of racial equality, equality of the sexes, the collapse of the Berlin Wall, etc. When I was attending university, there was no such thing as ESL- now most people recognize it as English second language, adoption of a universal currency and system of weights and measures, I guess I'm trying to say that social change seems slow when viewed from one's short life, and some ideas take generations to evolve- But I do think public protests have advanced humanity, by creating awareness and sparking legislative change- abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, etc We cannot measure the effect immediately- but I think everything we do has an effect- We have a long way to go, particularly with religious intolerance, and abolishing extremes of wealth and poverty-
I'll stop now, read the document, and keep focused on the Divine Remedy-
I think you scared everybody off! I did not find your blog offensive. I agree with you. I have no quarrel with the Bahai faith either. When I was younger and knew everything (not) I admit I was a tad close-minded. But now that I have reached my golden years (?????) I have become much more open. Social change will always be slow..and as more problems are solved, more problems will evolve. That is the way of life, I believe. But if it were not for the very first protestor...we would still be living in the Dark Ages..or worse...we would not have evolved at all. We would be living in caves with no TV and no computers!!!! I just had to add that last part!
I think you scared everybody off! I did not find your blog offensive. I agree with you. I have no quarrel with the Bahai faith either. When I was younger and knew everything (not) I admit I was a tad close-minded. But now that I have reached my golden years (?????) I have become much more open. Social change will always be slow..and as more problems are solved, more problems will evolve. That is the way of life, I believe. But if it were not for the very first protestor...we would still be living in the Dark Ages..or worse...we would not have evolved at all. We would be living in caves with no TV and no computers!!!! I just had to add that last part!
Yikes, it entered twice!
Fair call. I will link your response from my Blog and give due credit. I thank you for your perspective(s) as this was part of the purpose for my rant on this topic. I wanted other people's views on this. So, thanks Mom! Your post is appreciated and my personal views are now altered to reflect this truth.
Thank you.
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