Gorgeous day today- Don't worry Jennah, we didn't stay out too long- need to get sunscreen for Alexis, protect her sensitive skin from those nasty UV rays- though lately we haven't had to worry about sun-
This is our Aussie weekend- Frank took him shopping for batteries , popsicles, and Kraft Dinner- essentials!!
Now that I've got all the serious matters out of the way for awhile, I'll do a bit of ranting---Sunday shopping on the provincial news- touchy subject- I have no bone to pick with those who vote against the idea based on their religious convictions- day of rest- BUT why do these same people who vote nay, leave church and go to restaurants, fill up gas, go to the theatre, shop at the Red&White, go Frenchying, etc. etc, etc,- Are these essential services?? Don't they believe those workers are also entitled to their day of rest? It's not the belief I'm against, it's the HYPOCRISY----I've seen them----so if you choose to inflict your religious convictions on us, the least you could do is live by them yourselves---A better solution, vote for Sunday shopping- you're not obliged to participate in this ungodly practice, but at least allow those whose day of worship may not be Sunday to spend our money as we see fit---
In case you're wondering about the digestive system of the downstairs beast, it was a one day phenomenom- the result of swallowing a bottle of Vitamin C- well, not the bottle, the contents- I strongly advise anyone to not take more than the recommended dosage of said Vitamin- nasty consequences-- and my Gillette Sensor Excel for women works just fine!! I even wore my new shorts today, longer than shorter, had to lay down on the bed to do up the zipper, no room for growth- I don't want to grow anymore!!!
A beautiul picture, especially when viewed on full screen
It helps when the subject is beautiful!!!
You are getting good at taking pictures - very cute!
Frank took Aussie shopping for batteries? Now popsicles and Kraft Dinner..I can totally understand.
Yes, I am up late!
Woohoo..that was quite a rant..quite took my breath away! Hehehehe. However I totally agree with it would help with unemployment. What the He-- does the Government care when we shop?
Does it say anywhere in the Bible that we can't shop on Sunday? Sheesh..they didn't even have a Sunday in those days!!!
Okay..calm down! Breathe deeply! I guess it's only alright for some people to work on Sundays..the servers of gas and food.
If Sunday is a day of rest...nobody would get to eat anything!!! Wives would not cook for their husbands! No taxis, buses, trains, planes or subways would be running on Sunday! The Hospitals would be closed! Chaos would rule.
I totally believe in Sunday shopping. Some people take the Bible a little too 'literally'.
It says God rested on the Seventh doesn't say that that means we have too...And if that's blasphemous...Well..God will judge.
P.S. - Nannan - In response to your comment to my blog, I said military confrontation, not invasion. I predict airstrikes - and not necessarily all American. Israel could take part.
Keep ya...
Tuffysmom, the battery remark was a test to see if you've been reading all the blogs--BZZZ- you failed- read the comments on Mandy's second post for the answer-Henceforth, please keep informed ----- :)
Fireguy- whatever makes you think I'm not cool??? I'm so cool, you might even say frigid-- but that reminds me, we need a new refrrigerato, now I'm boiling!!!
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