Sunday, May 21, 2006

The line that Frank built

I figured it out- I've inherited the female guilt gene- as long as you can feel guilty about the small stuff- not hanging out clothes, not taking Billy for walks, not cooking today, etc,- you don't have to focus on the big guilt stuff and all is well with the world!!! I used to think Mom was a little crazy for always saying,"I'm glad it rained today so I didn't have to walk Missy."" Now I get it!!!
Okay, today I woke up early with Austin, expecting to munch on the one remaining Sobey square and the half full bag of Bits and Bites that Austin wanted, and lo and behold- gone- and there on the burner was my big Paderno non-stick fying pan encrusted with what looked like burnt hamburg- HMM wasn't there when i went to bed- then who comes slithering upstairs, zombie-like and unkempt- Philip- sometime during the night he managed to gain entrance without enciting the wrath of Brutus or Billy- how did that happen? He confessed to the square and Bits and Bites, but the frying pan, still a mystery- And I'm still po'd that I paid big buck for this frying pan which everything either sticks to or burns---
So I made Austin pancakes in the above pan, which he claimed to want, didn't, so the ever lurking Billy Dog had a sweet treat- He loves the grandchildren- they drop, dribble, spill, regurgitate, and he has a feast- but go near HIS food, out comes the ugly tooth smile- Took care of Alexis for the rest of the day-

now Frank, on the otherhand, also forgetting that it should have been a long weekend, left for work at 7, came home to a grouchy spouse, then proceeded to mow the lawn, carry a double bed from the barn back downstairs in anticipation of Phillip's imminent return, moved rocke, cut bushes, and is now just relaxing after having made himself two stinky sardine sandwiches- I am looking forward to having a day with no childcare duties, but don't get me wrong, they are my raisond'etre, joie de vivre, my source of smiles, joy, laughter, hope, and love, but doggone it, sometimes I do get tired, at least I don't feel guilty about that- enough of a rant!

This is the lawn that Frank Mowed!!!
There were a few kayakers out on the lake today, but it looked quite rough- lots of wind- good day for hanging out clothes though~


Blogger Fireguy said...

Wow - quite a day! What about that frying pan? Strange!

May 21, 2006 9:19 PM  
Blogger Fireguy said... come my picture ian't in the first comment?

May 21, 2006 9:20 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

Sorry about that picture thing- I was changing some settings to get MY picture out of the comments, and I wondered why it wasn't working, now I realize why!!I'll change my settings-

May 21, 2006 9:24 PM  
Blogger Fireguy said...

Ah - that explains it.

May 21, 2006 9:41 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

She does get up every night and for Special K, or so she says= HMM, never thought of that=

May 21, 2006 11:13 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Gads what a day!! And I slept through it all!

May 22, 2006 7:36 AM  

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