Monday, May 29, 2006

I Beg your pardon...I never promised you a ...

This is a picture of me NOT weeding the flower garden. Unlike Mikki, gardening is not one of my interests, however four years ago, I thought maybe it just might be "my thing". Several colleagues of mine have backyards which could pass for botanical gardens, they know all the latin names, and make frequent trips up shore to a renowned greenhouse- One year, I accompanied them, spent a lot of cash, and there the seedlings sat, in their six pack containers, until Frank coaxed me to aid in their planting- the cute little space in front of the house, boundaried by sidewalk- Seemed like a plan at the time, flowers blooming, foliage adorning our humble abode- Four years later- Frank "Why don't I just mow them down if you're not going to weed them" "No," I reply, "I might feel like weeding one day." Somehow that urge to garden is not happening- I just want pretty flowers without the work- By the way, those white blooms are weeds- I kind of like them- And see that one orange flower, but don't plant lambs ears- they multiply like rats, only bloom for a short time, and aren't even fragrant or pretty-
Is it my paranoia, or is it coincidence- why the day after I post a spiel about weight gain, do I receive this bit of spam?

From: Ben Schafer
Subject: scorecard with obituary kappa
To: ddick@eastlink.caCc: ...snip...
Life changing appetite supressant.
The secrete is out - Oprah Winfrey, CBS 60 Minutes, NBC's Today Show, and
others are all raving about it.
st. prokaryote at trompe or even abolition as in burgundian. what'd was at horny when that happened meticulous.

I have a problem with this one on several counts- Look who it's addressed to : ddick- Not me- what's a secrete- and what is it with all the words that don't make any sense, gramatically or rationally- horny? Definately the wrong target !!!! I have an antispam program but they still slip through- and the subject- "scorecard with obituary kappa" Do not click on the blue- I'm sure someone (maybe ddick) makes a few pennies everytime someone checks out the site, and we do not want to encourage this deviant behaviour-

Had a nice visit from Jason, Daphne and Dawson today- Dawson is in the picture, trying to smile ! I think I convinced them to join our blogging ranks, time wil tell-
Bad news fireguy and Traveling Man- today was even warmer and nicer than yesterday- thunder must have changed the system- don't mean to rub it in, but kids were even swimming in the lake---


Blogger NanNan said...

Frank now tells me that those white blooms are NOT weeds- I'm not convinced- but he usually ends up being right- See why I'm not a gardener?

May 29, 2006 7:24 PM  
Blogger mikki said...

Actually, those white blooms kind of look like candy-tuft... I just stole some out of the garden at my old house, to replant here at our new house :o) I am not a gardener eithor... I just like to pretend I am! I got to spend a couple hours today weeding and cleaning up the little garden while Caitlyn napped. Fun!

May 29, 2006 7:29 PM  
Blogger NanNan said...

You're putting me to shame Mikki- new baby, 3 boys, and A COUPLE OF HOURS weeding--- I knew Frank would be right, but I just can't learn to listen to him !!!

May 29, 2006 7:35 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

I'm like nannan...I can't grow anything...I got the mowers here to mow down the stuff that was in front of my place, but a couple of tulips keep popping up every year. I think Mikki should come here and do my little garden space.

May 29, 2006 8:55 PM  
Blogger mikki said...

Nannan, I cannot accept any credit for time spent weeding - it came at the cost of ignored dirty dishes, piles of laundry, lack of supper, etc. I have my priorities, you know *wink*

May 29, 2006 10:00 PM  
Blogger Tuffysmom said...

By the way Nannan, I forgot to mention, I get those weird e-mails too...I don't open them...just delete them right away. Looks like it was written in some kind of code. And Mikki...gardening is more important than those other things..Get the fresh air and relax while you can.

May 30, 2006 7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

July 20, 2006 10:38 AM  

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